
From Demon To Angel

Unpopular with some people, but I believe some tools are the nature of the beast to communicate to an animal what is acceptable and could potentially save their lives (running after cars, for one example) during the duration of their lives. With Logan, we tried E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G to calm her down during the course of her…

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10 Months Later

Skylar. Skylar Alton-his middle name being his breeder identified name. ‘Never had a dog with a middle name but he knows when we say “Alton” he’s more than likely in big trouble. Day One Don’t Let The Shirt Fool You And yeah, he’s a mama’s boy, although I spend tons of time training him. This…

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Sunday We Are Having A Baby

Upon Morgan’s passing we have had several conversations as to how to best handle the empty space in the family. On one side, London has never had full attention from us. It was always shared. So, at first, we figured we’d spoil him in his remaining years as an only dog. While I think he…

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About the Author

Currently a Lakewood Ranch, Florida resident, Philip has authored various interactive blog websites since the early 2000’s. Most content will be based primarily on matters of opinion as usual.