Guys Are Dumb

I remember my first years of getting out of puberty, climbing out of the walls of a sheltered home in small-town life into society and learning to deal with the average peer.

One of my first lessons was to be as basic as possible. "Laugh at everything." You kind of had to learn the lingo as well. Avoid speaking plain English. You had to have a drawl or a twist on the language. Basically, play dumb. (I actually make fun of the mindset to this day, and I've got the lingo down.) Be as simple as possible. Basically, the dumber you acted, the more acceptable you were to your guy peers--or at least most of them.

I still see this to this day. Guys playing a game with their language. In the wrong setting this "coping" language doesn't go down well with your peers now. I guess I'd advise, if you have any intelligence at all, to read your audience and learn a 2nd (English) language.

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About the Author

Currently a Lakewood Ranch, Florida resident, Philip has authored various interactive blog websites since the early 2000’s. Most content will be based primarily on matters of opinion as usual.