I’m No Longer An Atheist

Based upon the feedback that I've gotten from recent posts--and actual conversations in real life--I'm sure a lot of you can feel the relief knowing that I am no longer an Atheist. No more Atheist posts!!!

I've decided to choose one of the thousands and thousands of gods and turn my life over to Santa Claus.

As a result, I have a really cozy feeling in my heart knowing that if I just believe in Santa, he'll grant my Christmas list, because I'm told that "if I ask, I shall receive" and I have such a big list this year!

I've been told that even though I've chosen to follow Santa Claus that I'm still going to go to hell because I didn't choose Atlas, Mohammad, Jesus Christ/God/Holy Ghost, Zeus, etc. but at this point I'm just gonna have to go with whomever gives me the best feel goodies, so if you disagree, you're an Atheist to everyone but your own choice of a god and the non-believers are just gonna have to live with the differences at this point.

Plus, Santa Claus actually ANSWERED my prayers and gave me an alarm clock, an Atari 2600, AND a racetrack when I was kid, so that's proof right there! Read 'em & weep non-believers!

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About the Author

Currently a Lakewood Ranch, Florida resident, Philip has authored various interactive blog websites since the early 2000’s. Most content will be based primarily on matters of opinion as usual.