What Motivates You When It Comes To Politics?

What Motivates You When It Comes To Politics?

By Cheydes Of Black / March 26, 2024 /

I’m sure everyone has their side. Unfortunately, with politics, that “side” tends to blind people and their main goal in life is to reinforce their initial conclusions and run into the river and drown in it if they have to. Such dedication, but why? It could result from the way they were brought up, raised,…

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Modern Christianity Vs Gen X Christianity

By Cheydes Of Black / March 12, 2024 /

Kinda crazy, the stuff you see from “Christians” these days. Back in the 70’s we were warned about this, but I have to digress and say that every phase of Christianity in general has had their times of hypocrisy. By its very nature it is derived from hypocrisy. God: “Thou shalt not kill.” God: “Abraham,…

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The One Major Flaw of Apple Products That Needs to Be Resolved Immediately!

By Cheydes Of Black / December 18, 2023 /

I can’t tell you how many times, during a stressful situation, requiring immediate assistance from my Apple iPhone & iPad, where Apple Maps would not function correctly. In one dream that I had, I was in another state, my car broke down, and I was in the middle of nowhere, snow everywhere, riding a bike…

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From Demon To Angel

By Cheydes Of Black / October 25, 2023 /

Unpopular with some people, but I believe some tools are the nature of the beast to communicate to an animal what is acceptable and could potentially save their lives (running after cars, for one example) during the duration of their lives. With Logan, we tried E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G to calm her down during the course of her…

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The Religious Challenge – Step Right Up!

By Cheydes Of Black / October 11, 2023 /

In light of the current times, where religion has become the center point of all dissension, division, extremity, resulting death and repulsive hypocrisy and behavior, I beg my “Christian” friends & family to tolerate my rants and raves in regard to religion in general and approach my lines of questioning with a realistic and open…

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CHAPTER TWO: “The Breaking”

By Cheydes Of Black / May 20, 2023 /

Discipline was strictly enforced in what was left of my family. “Spare the rod, spoil the child” was the given motto. Not that I wasn’t the perfect child, but I did occasionally try to push things as far as I could get them to go. There was that fine line of antagonization that meant I’d…

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CHAPTER ONE: “The Autobiography That I Will Never Finish”

By Cheydes Of Black / May 18, 2023 /

Preface I started writing this a long time ago, when I was 27. It was a project. To delve into the past and relive vivid memories. To remember, to write, from brain to the keyboard without holding back. To get personal, to be as transparent and as uncaring about consequences as possible. To show “me”.…

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Why Christianity Requires Extremism & The Abandonment of Morality

By Cheydes Of Black / April 28, 2023 /

From day one, I was born into a Christian environment. My father was a pastor, and my mother was, and is to this day, a devout “Christian”. As a child and teenager, I’d read the Bible through several times–even memorized several books of it word for word and was even tested in my knowledge of…

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ATF Form 1 SBR Pistol Brace Registration Info

By Cheydes Of Black / April 27, 2023 /

If you try Googling what all needs to be done to register your SBR, that has a pistol brace attachment, to the ATF you will discover that there are a lot of partial information search results that become somewhat confusing. This video pretty much walks you through the entire process step-by-step and simplifies the process.…

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4-Day 10-Hour Work Week. Is It Worth It?

By Cheydes Of Black / April 20, 2023 /

Several months ago, our company started giving their employees the option for what is called “flex” schedules–a 10-hour day (really eleven if you count the lunch hour), 4-day work week. I’ve always been curious what it would be like to have a three-day weekend every week and was eager to give it a try, but…

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About the Author

Currently a Lakewood Ranch, Florida resident, Philip has authored various interactive blog websites since the early 2000’s. Most content will be based primarily on matters of opinion as usual.