Message from a friend today, noting that when asked, Einstein always stated that he believed in a "god" and put everything into his own perspective/context that put that supposed god into a non-rule-based context.
It was full of euphoria, where the rules of the "Bible" didn't really apply, and the god wasn't really like what people were taught when reading his "so-called" "word"--not judgmental, wanted us to just be happy--all that glamourous stuff.
The problem with Einstein's euphoric approach is that a "god" is all powerful or he/she isn't really a god. If you aren't all powerful and you allow death, starvation, abuse, murder, molestation, and all other sorts of abominations, "you're not in control" and you're not a "god".
If you're actually a "god" and your main concept of survival of human or any life is the food chain, you have a demented frame of mind and you have no respect for life, of which you supposedly created, of which you can F the F off.