I Wasn’t Really Motivated to Upgrade to the Meta Quest 3 Until…
Working from home for almost a decade, I often prefer to wake up slowly and do my work in bed on a laptop. The only problem with this is that a laptop screen is hard to see and requires lots of tab switching compared to three 32″ curved monitors, with two 27″ vertical monitors sandwiching…
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The Religion Card
I see more and more people my age playing the “religious” card. People I grew up with that didn’t give a shit about it when I was a diehard Christian. I grew up going to school with a Bible in hand, at age 13 I preached my first sermon. Same age did my first piano…
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God Likes The Kill
Message from a friend today, noting that when asked, Einstein always stated that he believed in a “god” and put everything into his own perspective/context that put that supposed god into a non-rule-based context. It was full of euphoria, where the rules of the “Bible” didn’t really apply, and the god wasn’t really like what…
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Just figured I’d compile a thread of the many, many reasons why I believe the way that I do. Memes galore below and will be updated as I encounter them. This was my first thought exactly before I ever even saw this MEME and decided to challenge my own agnostic approach and just go full…
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Guys Are Dumb
I remember my first years of getting out of puberty, climbing out of the walls of a sheltered home in small-town life into society and learning to deal with the average peer. One of my first lessons was to be as basic as possible. “Laugh at everything.” You kind of had to learn the lingo…
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What Motivates You When It Comes To Politics?
I’m sure everyone has their side. Unfortunately, with politics, that “side” tends to blind people and their main goal in life is to reinforce their initial conclusions and run into the river and drown in it if they have to. Such dedication, but why? It could result from the way they were brought up, raised,…
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Modern Christianity Vs Gen X Christianity
Kinda crazy, the stuff you see from “Christians” these days. Back in the 70’s we were warned about this, but I have to digress and say that every phase of Christianity in general has had their times of hypocrisy. By its very nature it is derived from hypocrisy. God: “Thou shalt not kill.” God: “Abraham,…
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The One Major Flaw of Apple Products That Needs to Be Resolved Immediately!
I can’t tell you how many times, during a stressful situation, requiring immediate assistance from my Apple iPhone & iPad, where Apple Maps would not function correctly. In one dream that I had, I was in another state, my car broke down, and I was in the middle of nowhere, snow everywhere, riding a bike…
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From Demon To Angel
Unpopular with some people, but I believe some tools are the nature of the beast to communicate to an animal what is acceptable and could potentially save their lives (running after cars, for one example) during the duration of their lives. With Logan, we tried E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G to calm her down during the course of her…
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The Religious Challenge – Step Right Up!
In light of the current times, where religion has become the center point of all dissension, division, extremity, resulting death and repulsive hypocrisy and behavior, I beg my “Christian” friends & family to tolerate my rants and raves in regard to religion in general and approach my lines of questioning with a realistic and open…
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