CHAPTER TWO: “The Breaking”
Discipline was strictly enforced in what was left of my family. “Spare the rod, spoil the child” was the given motto. Not that I wasn’t the perfect child, but I did occasionally try to push things as far as I could get them to go. There was that fine line of antagonization that meant I’d…
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CHAPTER ONE: “The Autobiography That I Will Never Finish”
Preface I started writing this a long time ago, when I was 27. It was a project. To delve into the past and relive vivid memories. To remember, to write, from brain to the keyboard without holding back. To get personal, to be as transparent and as uncaring about consequences as possible. To show “me”.…
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Why Christianity Requires Extremism & The Abandonment of Morality
From day one, I was born into a Christian environment. My father was a pastor, and my mother was, and is to this day, a devout “Christian”. As a child and teenager, I’d read the Bible through several times–even memorized several books of it word for word and was even tested in my knowledge of…
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ATF Form 1 SBR Pistol Brace Registration Info
If you try Googling what all needs to be done to register your SBR, that has a pistol brace attachment, to the ATF you will discover that there are a lot of partial information search results that become somewhat confusing. This video pretty much walks you through the entire process step-by-step and simplifies the process.…
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4-Day 10-Hour Work Week. Is It Worth It?
Several months ago, our company started giving their employees the option for what is called “flex” schedules–a 10-hour day (really eleven if you count the lunch hour), 4-day work week. I’ve always been curious what it would be like to have a three-day weekend every week and was eager to give it a try, but…
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Time Travel
As my bio states, I’ve been a blogger for over 20 years–before blogging was a thing. I referenced it pretty much as my online journal. One of my first sites was theplanetarium.com, which, looking back, is a pretty stupid domain to go by since it’s not at all what the domain suggests. When I first…
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Hack Week
This must be Hack Week. While I’m still locked out of my hacked Facebook account, I woke up this morning to about 600 emails subscribing me to about just as many sites and subscriptions. ‘Spent the day updating passwords for all of my accounts and at the end of the day decided to sit down…
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Things To Consider When Using Social Networks To Log In To Online Services
I know that we all love simplicity. Having to create a user login for so many of the sites that we frequent can be such a pain and it’s so easy to just click in, perform a few taps, and you’ve avoided the signup routine, however, what happens if your social media account gets hacked?…
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10 Months Later
Skylar. Skylar Alton-his middle name being his breeder identified name. ‘Never had a dog with a middle name but he knows when we say “Alton” he’s more than likely in big trouble. Day One Don’t Let The Shirt Fool You And yeah, he’s a mama’s boy, although I spend tons of time training him. This…
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Windows 11 Insider Preview Build Thoughts
Of course this is the first rendition of the Insider Preview of Microsoft’s Windows 11 so it is bound to have issues due to things that aren’t yet worked out. Having a multi-monitor setup, six, one of the basics is having access to the toolbar and only the open application on that taskbar displaying in…
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