What Motivates You When It Comes To Politics?

I'm sure everyone has their side. Unfortunately, with politics, that "side" tends to blind people and their main goal in life is to reinforce their initial conclusions and run into the river and drown in it if they have to. Such dedication, but why?

It could result from the way they were brought up, raised, peer pressure from their family or friends.

It can blind people to their own moral code in hopes of getting to the end result via moral shortcuts. I've smirked at people taking the approach that "God uses bad people to get to the end result" while all-the-while replacing God with a human entity that could care less about God beyond the virtual "offering plate" and sticking their fingers in it.

I grew up in a small town. Probably a population of less than 400 people at the time. Aside from the Amish family, I'm guessing our family was the most religious of all in that town. No one cared about it back then, but now that politics come into play, everyone's a "Christian".

So, raise your hand, and explain how you justify your political stance. Honest answers only.



About the Author

Currently a Lakewood Ranch, Florida resident, Philip has authored various interactive blog websites since the early 2000’s. Most content will be based primarily on matters of opinion as usual.