Kinda crazy, the stuff you see from "Christians" these days.
Back in the 70's we were warned about this, but I have to digress and say that every phase of Christianity in general has had their times of hypocrisy. By its very nature it is derived from hypocrisy.
God: "Thou shalt not kill."
God: "Abraham, kill your son". (Not a quote, but the gist.)
Back in the 70's Christians didn't swear, much less take "God's" name in vain. They had a vague idea of what "Jesus" taught. Now it's pretty much, "you can do anything you want and just say you're a Christian and back Trump & you're good bro!"

It almost seems like he wants these people to go to hell and is getting off on it. Was that "Christ's" mission?
Christianity is now political, because the politicians know how gullible the Christians are. They, and their "pastors", have gotten rich off of their gullibility for decades.